Monday, December 12, 2005

Bryce Has A Girlfriend

That title was written with tears filling my eyes. What am I going to do with 3 boys that are already so into girls. I have Caleb with many different girlfriends and who got in trouble in starting in Pre-K for kissing girls (he also got in trouble in kindergarten for that). Then I have Isaac that every time I pick him up is surrounded by girls and has to hug them all and say goodbye by name before he will leave. Now there is Bryce. He has a friend named Annalise. She is about 20 months I believe. They both ask for the other when they are not together. When they see each other they squeal with excitement, then they immediately start fighting. Chrisanna (her mother) and I swear they are going to get married because they already act like they are.

This morning Bryce was asking where Annalise was. I said she was at home. He said he loved Lisey. I asked if she was his girlfriend and he said "yeah, Lisey my girlfriend, I love her." HE IS ONLY 2!!! If this is the way these boys act at 7, 3, and 2, I am going to be in real trouble when they are teenagers. I am going to have to get alarms for every exit out of the house!! Isaac is already really good at sneaking out of his room and going through everything in mine.

Has anyone invented a drug to stop the aging process yet????? I need it for me to stop the grays and wrinkles they are and are going to cause me, and I need it for them so that they will not get any more interested in girls than they already are!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lise loves Bryce !!! (most of the time, ha ha)