Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Where does the time go. I can't believe how old my boys are getting. Today is Isaac's 4th birthday. He has told anyone that has asked his age in the last month that he is 4. When he got up this morning and Paul and I were telling him Happy Birthday he said he was 5. He went to school telling everyone he was 5. I guess he was only 4 for a month!!

He got up this morning and asked if he could have cupcakes for breakfast. I am taking 48 cupcakes to his school today and he saw them in the refrigerator. He already opened his presents this past weekend. He got a basketball net, a sit-and-spin, a book that has alphabet keys (you put the key in a slot and it tells you what letter it is), the game Buckaroo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that I didn't get to talk to Isaac today. I just got home from work (10:15 pm) so I think it is a little too late. I promise that I will call tomorrow. Happy b-day Isaac. Love you, Aunt Lindsay