Thursday, December 29, 2005


I know, I know, I said I was going to do this blog on the 26th, but I was sick!! I got an awful stomach bug Sunday night and was up all night!! Not pretty! But here I am now and I will post some pictures of Christmas!

Paul's mom and sister came out on Saturday morning, so it was just the 7 of us. We had Christmas dinner on Saturday because they were going back on Sunday afternoon. Paul cooked almost all of dinner (I didn't even have to do the cleaning!! What a vacation!) It was an awesome dinner! Paul did a great job on the turkey this year. He found a really good recipe online, did some tweaking, and it was the best turkey I have ever had!

We opened Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, too. We decided the boys needed to get some use out of the toys we got them before Santa came. The living room was destroyed, but that is half the fun...right? They were all really excited, and so were we. This is the first year that all of the kids really knew what was going on. Bryce opened all of his gifts by himself, actually he started ripping into them before we were done separating them all out. He just could not wait.

Caleb cleaned up on John Deere "stuff". That is what he really wanted and what he is in to right now. some of the presents he got included a nerf dart tag set, an art set, and a RC remote control Flying Saucer. We will be here all night if I try to remember everything the boys got, so I will just list a few of their gifts!!

Isaac got an Aquadoodle, a Doodle Pro, a Leapster, a race track, etc. He has really enjoyed all of them, but that Leapster stays with him!! I guess it makes him feel like he is big like Caleb (Caleb likes to play his Gameboy a lot!!).

Bryce got... you guessed it - a lot of Firetruck toys. He got puzzles, fireman gear, a firetruck simulator - that he loves!!!(Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!) He also got a lot of Talking Tonkas (firetrucks, tow trucks, trains, etc.) He is in heaven, and maybe when everyone goes back to school he will be very entertained!!

So, Saturday evening was pretty crazy! The boys stayed up LATE so that they could watch some of the movies they got for Christmas (Polar Express, Spirit, Robots and Valiant). We finally convinced them Santa was waiting on them to go to bed so that he could bring their presents. We had been tracking Santa online with NORAD all day, so it did not take a lot of convincing!!

They got up Sunday ready to see what Santa had brought. He did good this year, for the most part!! Caleb got a Robosapien (Robot), Isaac got a Jeep Powerwheels (I wonder who picked that out!?), and Bryce got a 4-wheeler Powerwheels. Santa got Bryce the 4-wheeler so he could learn how to drive (it tops out at 2 mph), but Bryce learned in less than 2 minutes and did not like how slow it went, so he started hitching a ride with Isaac all the time. We took the 4-wheeler back and exchanged it for a tricycle, which he loves to sit on all the time (in fact he sat on the tricycle in the buggy when we went to get it). Santa also got them all Mr. Potato Heads. Caleb got Darth Tater Potatohead, Isaac got Mr Potato Head from Toy Story and Bryce got a bucket of Potatohead Family. Then they all got a game.

Needless to say, it was a very exciting and exhausting weekend! I am going to post this and then post the pictures on a fresh blog!

1 comment:

Also Loves Firetruck Toys said...

I was doing a little online Christmas shopping myself and came across your post. Funny that this post is almost 5 years old now, yet the same toys you mentioned are relevant today. John Deere toys are still all the rage and you can never go wrong with Firetruck Toys.

Guess your kids are growing up so the selection under the tree will be quite different this year.

I enjoyed your post and have bookmarked it to keep up with your more current news of the family, etc.