Monday, March 22, 2010

Flash Forward

I just had a scary flash forward. Madeleine had gotten quiet, there was no chattering, no rustling of whatever she was getting in to at the moment. Unfortunately, in this house, silence never means anything good! So, I started looking around to see what she had gotten in to.

The second she saw my eyes lock on to her, she threw her legs out in front of her and her whole body stiffened (this is what she does when she gets mad). Then she started screaming the loudest, girliest, don't-you-dare-even-think-about-taking-the-loot-I-found scream (which she also always does when she gets mad or knows she has been caught) She had my wallet in one hand and my ipod at her ear in the other hand (she was getting into the diaper bag).

I just sat there for a minute. I was stuck. I was seeing her as a 16 year old....the only thing missing was the keys!!

Then, as I walked towards her, she turned up the screams. As I got to her she sat holding onto the wallet like she was holding on to the edge of a cliff trying not to fall over. The ipod was still at her ear, but she was pushing it against her face so hard that her face and ear was red! Tears started flowing, until I showed her another shiny object.

Love the out of sight out of mind stage!! I am going to enjoy it while I can, because all too soon she will not forget about wanting money or a phone (or keys or a boy or all of the other things that girls want)!

1 comment:

L&D said...

Oh I am laughing here. Laughing and laughing just picturing the little lady getting down to business. How clever she is!
Isn't it amazing how these little people are toddlers who know how electronic gadgets work? Back in the day it would be them getting into the tupperware drawer or into mommy's shoes. No, now it's ipods, cell phones, Navigation systems, DVD's etc that they destroy. Oh how times have changed. (This is where my mom chimes in with how she walked to school in the snow uphill both ways).

What a great post. Hoping the silence ebbs. ;)