Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Well, we finally got Isaac okay with sleeping on the top bunk, which means Caleb got his own room. We moved Bryce in with Isaac, and put Caleb in Bryce's room, which Caleb is loving...Bryce is not. He was not liking it from the moment we started moving things around!

Everything is going well, for the most part. The first couple of mornings, Isaac would not get out of bed until someone went in and watched him get down. It is really amazing though, because he has no problem getting up and down without someone watching when he is supposed to be sleeping, but is playing instead!

Caleb is getting to stay up late now. He actually is doing pretty good though. He has always needed A LOT of sleep or he is unbelievably grumpy - especially if someone wakes him up instead of him getting up on his own. We let him go to his room at 8 and read. He has read 2 books since Sunday evening!! We are talking real books, not baby books - chapter books! He got a clip on light and reads in bed until we tell him to turn the light off. We forgot to tell him last night and I went in at about 10:20 or so and he was still reading. He had read 257 pages since he had gone in there! I was really scared about getting him up this morning, but he got up on his own - before I was ready for him too of course!! We will see how he acts this afternoon!

Now everyone has had a chance of having their own rooms. Hopefully, soon we will find a house with 4 bedrooms!!

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