Monday, May 01, 2006


PLEASE!!!! I am about to go crazy! Bryce has started backtalking with anything that is said! It does not matter what I say - he has to say something back. I guess it is time for some big-time action. I have had to use this extreme action with Caleb, but it has worked. I just need to figure out something to do that will make an impact on Bryce.

A couple of things that I did with Caleb, that he still brings up is: When Caleb was in preschool he got to where he would not get dressed in the morning. After fighting with him every morning, I had had enough. I got up one morning and told him to get dressed. I kept going in and finding him playing. I told him that when I was ready to go, we were leaving - no matter what he was wearing! He continued to test me, and kept playing. When it was time to go I told him to get in the car. "But I am not dressed!" he said as he decided he should begin what he was told to do an hour ago. I told him it was too late and to go to the car. I had to push him to the car, with him screaming - in his underwear! I made him walk into the preschool in his underwear, tears streaming down his face. When we got inside I told him to get in the bathroom and get dressed.

Then, last year, Caleb went through a phase where everytime he did not get his way or I made him mad, he told me he hated me. I am all for kids expressing their feelings, so I tried to just ignore it and go on. Well, one day he told me he hated me and he hated being a part of this family. I had reached my breaking point with hearing this from him. I calmly walked into his room where he was throwing his fit. I looked him in the eyes and told him that I was sorry he felt that way and that I loved him anyway. I then continued by saying that if he hated me so bad, not to speak to me, ask me for anything or ask me to do anything for him. As hard as it was, for the rest of the day, I completely ignored him. He finally came in and apologized that evening for telling me that he hated me and that he did not really hate me, he was just mad. I told him it was okay to express his emotions, but to make sure he meant what he said!

These may seem harsh to some, but they worked. It was a last resort effort that stopped the problem. Caleb has gotten ready for school on time since, and no longer tells anyone he hates them. In fact, on many occasions I have heard him tell his brothers what I would do if they do not get ready for school in time or they say something like I hate you.

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!!


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