Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa Came to Town on His Reindeer Sleigh Helicopter

We have some great friends that called yesterday and said that her dad has a friend that has a homemade helicopter and that Santa was going to be using the helicopter to make some house visits today. Her mom lives right outside our neighborhood and one of Santa's stops was going to be her backyard. They invited us over to see Santa.

We did not tell the kids what we were doing. They knew nothing about it. We simply told them to get in the car and left. They knew who lived at the house when we pulled in, but had no idea WHY we were there. After a little while (we had to get there a little before his expected noon arrival - didn't want to miss his entrance) we started hearing a helicopter. Some of the kids commented about the cool helicopter flying low, and about how the cool helicopter was circling and getting lower. Then someone noticed that OH. MY. GOSH! IS. THAT. REALLY. SANTA??


Look closely at his helicopter! It had reindeer antlers, a rudolph nose that really lights up and eyes on the windows!

Mads did not like the helicopter, therefore she did not like what came OUT of the helicopter! But, the other 8 kids out there were beyond excited! Santa gave them each a parachute snowman, gingerbread man or santa. I thought that was a cute little gift from a Santa that makes his entrance with a helicopter.

He did not stay long - I mean, Santa is a busy man on Christmas eve. Right now he is in Ukraine, so it was VERY sweet of him to fly back here, get his helicopter (the reindeer needed a rest) and come just to visit these nine kids! Santa is a pretty awesome man!!

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