Wednesday, December 08, 2010

First Band Concert

Caleb had his first band concert yesterday. He has been very excited about it. Before I write about the concert, let me give you some background. Caleb got his trumpet for Christmas last year, but did not really start playing on it (learning the proper way of holding it, etc) until right before school started. Paul taught him the correct way to hold the trumpet, play the trumpet, basics like that, and had taught him a few notes. Basically, though, Caleb has been really playing since school started.

They do not do the typical "chair test" where you are first, second, third, etc chair. The top four trumpets sit in one row and the rest sit in the row behind them. Caleb has been in the top four since school started. After a little arguing at the beginning of the year about practicing, he now practices way more than the "required" 30 minutes a day!

Okay, enough bragging!!

So, the concert last night. We got there a little early and got a seat. (When you have as many kids as we do, you have to get there early to get everyone seated and settled!) We, by luck, chose a seat right in front of where Caleb was sitting. I was pretty happy about that since I had my camera and video camera! Then THE PEOPLE came and chose their seat right behind me! I heard her telling her mom that their one year old son was sick (so I hear, KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY!!) and he was fussy. The fussing and crying and parents talking loudly did not bother me too much because we had quite a while before the concert began.

However, when the concert began and the child was still screaming.....Luckily, at first he only screamed between songs. I think I was able to videotape Caleb's part of the concert with minimal screaming (maybe). But, by the time the intermediate band started playing the kid was full out screaming, kicking me in the head and back, and mom and dad were telling him to be quiet and that it was too cold to go stand outside (in a voice louder than the child). Needless to say, it was VERY annoying and distracting.

Despite not being able to calm the child she never took him out. He screamed through the ENTIRE concert! The kids grandma took him out for the last song of the concert (why bother at that point). As a mom of five, I completely understand kids having bad days and parents wanting to stay to see their kid (which was in Caleb's band and the first to play). But, if you can't calm your child after the first song or two, think of those around you that want to HEAR the music!

The first thing Caleb said to me when he saw me was "Mom, that kid sitting behind you was REALLY loud! I could hear him over us playing!" I knew it was distracting for the audience, but I had no idea it was so distracting to the band!

Here are some pictures and I when I get a chance to upload the video I will post that too.

Check out the white socks with the black dress pants and shirt! Maybe he does still need Momma's help dressing! I DID catch the wrinkled up mess of a shirt he put on to begin with.....I failed to catch the white ANKLE socks though!

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