Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Good Kids, Bad "Grown-ups"

I walked in to the dealership excited. I had SOO missed my bus and learned that I was very glad that we never bought a minivan! I drove one for a week, and it just doesn't work for our family! They had had the bus for a week while they worked on the brakes and replaced the DVD player. Don't ask me which I wanted fixed more, the brakes or the DVD player....the answer might be disturbing to some!

When we went to have the problem looked at, I had all five kids with me. We were there for four hours! The kids were perfect. In fact when we left someone working there asked if all the kids had been there the whole time. WHen I said they had, she said she never heard them! I was so proud!

My excitement on pick-up day was short-lived. We walked in the service door to the receptionist to pay our bill. We are "greeted" by a woman with a wrinkled up nose that says "Man! Y'all have a lot of little ones!" We did our normal smile, snicker and agree. Usually it ends there. But not with this lovely ray of sunshine! "Are you having any more?" We respond with the normal "no". She SIGHED and said "GOOD!!"
Then she scans all the kids and says "No wonder you are were just wanting HER!" as she pointed to Mady.


She doesn't stop there. Mads was sitting on the counter while I was getting my debit card out. The lady grabbed Mady's curl in between two fingers and said "Are you ever going to cut off her one curl?"

About this time this Mama is about ready to hit this lady! Who knew the number of children I (someone that will only be in her life a total of 10 minutes) have would so directly effect this woman's life? I cringed that she had touched my beautiful baby and that she wanted me to CUT OFF HER CURL!!! I simply responded that NOONE would come near her hair with anything that cuts because it took her 16 months to get what she had and it was JUST NOW starting to grow in well!

A few minutes later, Mady got the hiccups. After several times of her hiccuping the woman says "You sure are burping a lot, little girl!"

Someone got up on the MEAN side of bed that day!! Thank GOD it was not me! :)

And for the record, my children were behaving (and definitely much better than SHE was). She was very rude to the people that worked there too!

1 comment:

L&D said...

I would have slapped her hand as she went reaching for the curl. Ok, I would like to *think* I'd do that.

What a ghastly old woman. Remember her car. Key it if you see her in the future.