Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ladies Man

We went to a birthday party last night. It was for a four year old, but there were kids of all ages there. Andrew was talking to them ALL, but there was one little girl who was probably 11 or so years old that he was really into. When this little girl was leaving she came to Andrew to tell him bye and ask for a hug. He gave her a hug and then asked if he could have a kiss too!

Then today, a friend of ours that we see daily had been out of town since Wednesday. We had been going down a couple of times a day to let her dog out and every time we went down there Andrew would get upset that she was not there. Today, though, we were outside when they were coming home from getting dinner. They stopped to say high and Andrew went to see her.

She opened the door to the truck and he climbed in. He put his hand on her chest and said "Where did you get these?" She assumed he was talking about dinner and said the name of the food joint. Then he put his hand back on her chest and said "Where did you get these?"

Her husband was in the car and starts laughing. She answers "Ummm, from God?!"

He has always been a boobman. He used to only go to sleep if he had his "pillows" to sleep on. But, I think it is taking it a little far if he is asking other women where they got theirs from :) Yeah, obviously she had a bit more than he is used to!!

I am gonna be in SOOOOOO much trouble soon! I already have one that thinks because he is in middle school he HAS to have a girlfriend! I still have three to go behind him. I don't hear Dad talking about putting the boys in burlap sacks and making them have ratty hair like he does his little girl!!

What's a mom to do?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Mady loves Sesame Street! I do too, because Mady and Andrew will BOTH sit and watch it. An hour of quiet (except the sounds of Elmo and giggling from my kids). I know - mother of the year award is headed my way!! I am letting the tv "babysit" my kids. Really, I'm not. I am sitting here with them. Just letting the tv entertain my children for a while, so I can have a small break from that job!

Here is what I am ashamed about...I usually have a cup of coffee in the mornings. There is just no time for me to eat when I am feeding the kids and trying to make lunches and get everyone dressed, oh and let's not forget getting homework finished that last night everyone swore was done, yet every morning someone magically "remembers" that they did, in fact, have ONE MORE THING that they were supposed to do. But, I digress. By the time I have the chance and energy to grab something to eat, I don't wanna because then the kids, who had a filling breakfast no more than two hours ago, are STARVING! No snack will do! They MUST have what I am trying to eat. It is the only thing that will do. At least one of them will not take no for an answer. Now, I have NO problem ignoring their temper tantrum when they don't get their way. But, it is very hard to eat with a one year old pulling my pants off while screaming at the top of her lungs (and she has some VERY healthy and powerful lungs, I might add). It just isn't worth it! So, I typically wait until I put them down for naps and then I eat.

Well, that isn't working for me today. I am STARVING! I turn on Sesame Street and pray for Elmo or Abby Cadabby to show up and fast! Then, while my two angels sit lost in Elmo's World, I sneak into the kitchen. I VERY quietly open the refrigerator. YUM!! Homemade chicken tenders and mashed potatoes are staring at me. I stand there contemplating. It is ONLY 9 in the morning. That is for lunch and it is TOO early for lunch. Then I glance in the living room. They are still in Sesame Street land. I must think fast!

I grabbed the chicken and potatoes and quietly pop them in the microwave. Then I sit at the bar and eat, all the while I am hiding my food! I keep glancing over my shoulder to make sure that they are still watching tv. Then it hits me. I am sneaking food! I am so desperate to eat something without feeding it all to my starving children that I am actually HIDING my food!

Sesame Street has to do a clip on real kids (as opposed to puppets which is the only things Mads likes). I glance over my shoulder just in time to see Mads rounding the couch with one of AJ's shoes on and a hat sat gangster-like on top of her head (oh, I love her accessorizing, she makes her momma proud! You might also notice that her big toe is sticking out of the shoe).

I quickly, but carefully so she doesn't see my loot, put the food on the counter on the other side of the bar and hide my face while I finish chewing my food!

What has my life become?

Just FYI: I did finish my food without having to share!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Good Kids, Bad "Grown-ups"

I walked in to the dealership excited. I had SOO missed my bus and learned that I was very glad that we never bought a minivan! I drove one for a week, and it just doesn't work for our family! They had had the bus for a week while they worked on the brakes and replaced the DVD player. Don't ask me which I wanted fixed more, the brakes or the DVD player....the answer might be disturbing to some!

When we went to have the problem looked at, I had all five kids with me. We were there for four hours! The kids were perfect. In fact when we left someone working there asked if all the kids had been there the whole time. WHen I said they had, she said she never heard them! I was so proud!

My excitement on pick-up day was short-lived. We walked in the service door to the receptionist to pay our bill. We are "greeted" by a woman with a wrinkled up nose that says "Man! Y'all have a lot of little ones!" We did our normal smile, snicker and agree. Usually it ends there. But not with this lovely ray of sunshine! "Are you having any more?" We respond with the normal "no". She SIGHED and said "GOOD!!"
Then she scans all the kids and says "No wonder you are were just wanting HER!" as she pointed to Mady.


She doesn't stop there. Mads was sitting on the counter while I was getting my debit card out. The lady grabbed Mady's curl in between two fingers and said "Are you ever going to cut off her one curl?"

About this time this Mama is about ready to hit this lady! Who knew the number of children I (someone that will only be in her life a total of 10 minutes) have would so directly effect this woman's life? I cringed that she had touched my beautiful baby and that she wanted me to CUT OFF HER CURL!!! I simply responded that NOONE would come near her hair with anything that cuts because it took her 16 months to get what she had and it was JUST NOW starting to grow in well!

A few minutes later, Mady got the hiccups. After several times of her hiccuping the woman says "You sure are burping a lot, little girl!"

Someone got up on the MEAN side of bed that day!! Thank GOD it was not me! :)

And for the record, my children were behaving (and definitely much better than SHE was). She was very rude to the people that worked there too!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Punch to the Stomach (Or Heart)

Junior high is hitting me a lot like kindergarten did when Caleb started school. I did pretty good when I dropped him off Thursday morning for the first day. There was craziness stirring all around, so it kind of kept my mind off what was happening. However, as I sat in line to pick him up and I saw him in the crowd of kids, all wearing their nicely pressed, first-day-of-school uniforms and their student id badges, he looked SO grown up.

To make matters worse, on the second day of school as I am in line to drop him off he asks if Harvard will look at his tardy record when he is trying to get in to their school. I said probably not and he responds with "I really should look in to what their requirements are, I only have a few more years before I will be applying you know."

Yeah, it felt like someone punched me in the stomach!!

Then to help a heartaching Momma feel even better, Friday night we are watching tv and Caleb has an epiphany. "Oh! I am in middle school! That is when you start dating!! I need to start watching for a girl for me and all those dances!"

Double punch to the stomach!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Family Photos

Since I love to torture my family, I made them do more family pictures! We tried to do family pictures in the morning, but it was too bright for my light sensitive children, so we decided to come back in the evening after dinner. That is why their WHITE shirts are dirty! Poor planning, yes!

More Fun at the Beach

Here are some more pictures of the kids playing on the beach. There is a picture in here where Mads face is covered with sand. She liked to face plant in the sand a LOT! When we were doing family pictures (which I will post soon) she got mad and face planted in the sand while she was screaming. She promptly threw up sand!

After this trip, I kinda think the hotel route is the way to go! Don't get me wrong, I have loved the houses we have stayed at the last couple of years, but it is more of a business trip for me. I go do the exact same thing there that I do at home. When we stay in a hotel, I don't have to worry about cleaning. I go sit on the beach for the morning and when we come back to our room the beds were made, the sand was vacuumed, there were clean towels hanging in the bathroom, the trash was taken out, etc. It was truly a vacation for me!

This will definitely become our long weekend get-a-way!