Saturday, July 18, 2009


We picked up our new puppy, Beaux, last night. We were hoping having him would help Bella. She has not eaten since Wednesday (the day before we put Jake down). We were a little nervous introducing them last night, but did it anyway. They sniffed each other and Beaux immediately started trying to nurse. Bella laid down to let him!

She has really been mothering him and he accepts it! He sleeps on top of her when he is out and climbs all over her when he is playing. When he whines, Bella goes to see what is wrong. She bathes him. He follows her where she goes, and the few occasions he hasn't, she has gone and herded him to where she wants him. It is really cute seeing them together.

While she still has not eaten much (she did eat a hamburger at dinner), she is accepting the distraction. Hopefully over the next few days they will both begin adjusting better.

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