Sunday, April 02, 2006


We had a storm last night - at bed time of course! Bryce took after his Mommy and is deathly afraid of storms. His brothers did this, but have pretty much outgrown it. Caleb now thinks it is fun to point out everytime it lightenings, so his brother is even more scared. Isaac is only bothered if someone makes a big deal out of it. Bryce, though, has not outgrown it.

From the first moment he heard the first sound of thunder or first flash of lightening, he was frozen in fear. Frozen with his blanket over his eyes!! He was following me around the house, running into everything. I kept telling him to take the blanket off his eyes and he would just say "I too skeered!"

I never did get that blanket off his eyes. He ended up in bed with me until the storm past. Then he woke up this morning - to thunder again!!

It is frustrating, but I have to remind myself that I was scared to death of storms until I had kids. It is amazing how you change when you have kids you have to be strong for! I can only hope that he will outgrow this like his brothers did, especially since we get those awful southern storms frequently!

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