Friday, April 07, 2006

Fast Shoes

Today we went to a picnic that Isaac's school put on at our local park. They had it catered and had chicken, catfish and all the trimmings. Before we ate, we had a speaker that spoke about the importance of reading to your children, even before they are born and even when they can read on their own. Well, Isaac's teachers watched all the kids down at the playground while the parents listened to the speaker.

The speaker read books to the parents trying to teach them how to read to the kids. Bryce decided he wanted to show everyone how it was done. He went up to where she was reading and stood right underneath her while she read. SHe used the oppurtunity to show us how to get the child to participate. You would think it was all planned, but Bryce just likes to be the center of attention.

After the speaker we ate. Paul went to get Isaac from the playground. On their way up, Isaac was running. Paul told him to walk because he was on rocks and did not want him to fall and get hurt. Isaac said he could not stop running. Paul asked why and Isaac, very seriously answers, "because I have on my fast shoes. THey won't let me walk!" and he continued running (and did not fall thank goodness!).

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