Thursday, April 06, 2006

Protest the Protest

I saw something very disturbing and upsetting today while we were out running errands. We were driving down a very busy road on our way to Target. Across the street from Toys R Us there were about 10 people doing a protest against abortion. I am all for standing up for what you believe in and I am COMPLETELY against abortion. However, when there is a group of people out protesting holding posters of photos of aborted babies, and my TWO YEAR OLD sits in the backseat asking what is wrong with those babies, there is a problem (the posters had pictures of a whole aborted baby and pictures of just a babies head - both very graphic)

I am against murder, but I am not going to take pictures of a person that was murdered, place them on a poster and stand at a street corner protesting murder. I really think that if I did do that, the police would be out in no time telling me that was not allowed. The same should be true in this situation. I am very careful about letting my kids watch news, etc, because they are just not at ages where they need to worry about things like that, nor would they understand it.

I just wish people would be more careful about how they protest their believes. That might be good to show older teens and adults and I can understand the point it makes, but across the street from a toy store, or where small children can see these posters is just not right. How do I explain to a 2 year old what is wrong with these babies?

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