Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Incredibles

Okay, okay!! After many complaints, I am finally getting around to blogging about the trip we took to see the Incredibles on Ice. The boys loved it!!! When we got there, Daddy bought drinks for everyone, nachos and cotton candy. I am not sure what Daddy was thinking though, because drinks=potty+potty+potty. Yes that is the number of times we got up to go to the potty during the two hour show. Why is this the way it always works? Isaac, about 20-30 minutes into the show started saying he had to go and couldn't wait. Of course, we are in the middle of the aisle so we have to climb over other people to get out. Because of this, I asked the other two if they needed to go and they said no. About 45-50 minutes into the show, Bryce said he needed to go and could not wait. So this time I told Caleb he had to at least try. They get back just in time for the intermission. Oh well, we missed the bathroom crowd!

I asked the boys if they needed to go one more time before the show started again and they all said no. The show finally started again and about 10 minutes (literally 10 minutes!) into the second half I hear "Mommy I got to potty and I can't wait!" Isaac tells me as he is dancing around. "You are going to have to wait - I just asked you!" After about 5 minutes of him telling me he could not wait and me telling him he would have to wait or have an accident, he quit telling me. I hoped for the best, but expected the worse!

All during the show Bryce sat in Paul's lap and yelled at Syndrome. They got these little wristbands that have buttons that light it up. Bryce kept pointing his at the stage and trying to kick and punch the bad guys! It was hilarious and everyone around us was laughing at him. He turned to Paul a couple of times and told him that he needs to go on stage and help the Credibles. It was funny to see him react the same to the live show as he did to the movie.

Caleb really enjoyed the show, but he did not say much. He really liked it when they turned on the black lights He was pointing out all of the people wearing white that were glowing.

It was so much fun for all of us. When the show was over and Mickey and Minnie had been rescued by the Incredibles, it took us a little while to get out of the arena. On the way out Isaac started saying he needed to potty again. The lines for the bathroom were awful so I told him he would have to wait. We got out to the car and I was getting his brother in the car and turned around to see him not waiting! He pulled his pants down (with all the people walking by us) and went potty! At least he did not do it in his pants!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.