Monday, August 04, 2008

School/House Update

I talked to a guy on the school board here to see if the boys would be able to start school Monday, even if we had not closed. Because it is the number one school in the state, there are a lot of people that try to get their kids in, so it was obvious that he did not like doing this. After explaining exactly what the situation was, and that we had not sold our house (he wanted us to bring proof that we were moving from Arkansas - like paperwork from the sell of our house). I told him that we had not sold our house, but that we were buying a house anyway. I also had to explain that I don't have the boys final report cards (the school did not send them even though I gave them a self-addressed, stamped envelope like they told me to. Basically, I have NOTHING that they really want other than birth certificates and social security cards. I don't even have shot records and I don't have a fax machine (Daddy is out of town this week).

He told me to come in in the morning and he would look over the purchase agreement and report cards and ok a temporary enrollment for the boys. He agreed that it would not be in the boys best interest to miss the first week. He also pointed out that if we have to start the boys in another school, it would probably mean a different uniform (YES--a MAN thinking like this!!), and did not think that would be fair for us.

So, the boys will be starting schools Monday. I will be driving 35 to 45 minutes (depending on traffic) four times a day.



That hurts and sucks to say!

PLEASE let us close at least on time!!

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