Monday, August 04, 2008

Bryce Goes to the Dr.

Bryce went to the dr today for his five year old check-up, so that I was sure he was ready for enrollment. He weighs 38 pounds. Pretty impressive for him! He is just over 36 1/2 inches tall. Right at average for heigth and about 25% for weight - long and skinny!

We did not think he had to have shots, but turns out he had to have four. Two in his leg and one in each arm. He did great! Not a tear - just a couple of flinches! I think that is his stubborness coming out because his brothers kept talking about how he did not cry when he got his flu shot and what a "big boy" he is about shots. Again, one of those times when it is great to have competitive kids.

He is in great shape and ready to start school!

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