Saturday, October 01, 2005

Slow Eater

Bryce has decided that he is going to take his time eating now. Yesterday at lunch I gave him a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cheeto twisters. It took him over an hour to eat one sandwich and a handful of chips. This morning for breakfast he had a poptart and a half and a small cup of strawberry/banana smoothie. It took him over an hour to eat that. I guess he has just learned to savor the taste?

Isaac starts preschool on Monday. For the past week and a half, first thing out of his mouth everyday is "do I have big boy school today." I am glad he is so excited and I hope he remains that way. He went to the dr Thursday about his delays. They did bloodwork, which came back great, and they are going to do an MRI of his brain. They are also sending him to a Developmental Clinic at the Childrens hospital. I hear from his therapist that there is usually a six month waiting list for that though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

October 2005
Carnival of Diasporas - no Armenians Allowed Filed under: Armenia , Diaspora , Technology - Posted by Katy on October 1st A few weeks ago I posted a link to the Carnival of Diasporas .
Yesterday I decided to read some blogs and found yours. Nice blog. I am trying to get ideas on the direction I should go and what it should look like
I have a wedding speach site/blog. It pretty much covers wedding speach and related stuff. Come and check it out if you get time