Monday, October 03, 2005

Isaac's First Day of Preschool

Well, Isaac woke up all excited about "big boy school" this morning. He was ready to walk out the door as soon as he was dressed - he did not care if anyone else was ready. Daddy called him this morning to wish him good luck and Isaac was excited about that too. When we got there, he was not so excited. He got nervous because of all of the people that were there. I introduced him to another little boy named Kyle, that was also nervous and did not want to let go of Mom. When I would ask if I could leave, he would tell me no. Finally, I took him to his teacher and gave him a hug and kiss. When I finally got Bryce pulled away from the cars he had taken over, I turned around and Isaac had a big smile on his face and was playing with the other kids. I thought "Oh boy, no fighting!" and then reality hit...Bryce threw the fit. He wanted to stay and play too, especially since they had cars (and there happened to be a firetruck in the bunch of cars). I took him out to the car with him throwing a huge temper tantrum!! I am proud of Isaac and how well he took his first day. He is growing up too fast!

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