Friday, January 13, 2012

The First "Date"??

Not really sure what happened tonight, it is all a blur.

Night before last Mady was up ALL night throwing up. That means I was up all night attempting to catch throw up and clean her up. Needless to say yesterday I got nothing done. Today we were out all day trying to get Paul what he needs for his trip to Toronto.

While we were out we found out that the company Paul is working for is possibly being bought out. Let's just say it is something we are stressing about!

So tonight, we are feeding the masses (known as our children) and the doorbell rings. Let's back-track a bit. Sunday Caleb said something about going out with his girlfriend and another "couple" this weekend. I told him we would have to talk about it. That was the last we heard about it. He is 13. Not really ready for him to "date!" Not to mention there had been a string of completely irresponsible actions on his part AND the fact he was told earlier today he was grounded for the weekend.

So, tonight the door bell rings. Paul answers it and there are two giggly girls asking if Caleb was home. We have not met Caleb's girlfriend. Caleb goes outside for a few minutes and comes back in and ask if he can go to the movies with his girlfriend. He said he told her we had said no.

Paul and I just looked at each other. We were put on the spot. We went out to meet his girlfriend and her mother. The plan was that her mother was taking them to a movie and staying and another two kids were going.

This is where the evening got awkward and embarrassing. Everything in us was saying we should make him stay home. However, we felt bad that her Mom had driven over with the understanding that he was going and the lack of communication. I commented that we had no cash on us because we did not know this was happening. She said she would pay.

I look over at Caleb, with his goofy, innocent grin, and ask if he was planning on wearing his school uniform. He says "Do I have too?" and continues standing there. I told him they were needing to go (still had someone else to pick up and had to get to the movies) and if he was planning on changing he needed to get busy.

Well, it is cold outside. I couldn't make everyone stand outside while he changed so I had to invite them in. Remember at the beginning of the post I said Mady had been sick and then we were gone all day today. Needless to say, my house is a DI.SASSSSSSS.TERRRRRRRRRR! I have not done much the last two days. Clothes folded in piles all over the couch and coffee table. The kids toys everywhere. We were in the middle of feeding kids, so the kitchen was destroyed. Can we say embarrassing?

As a friend so sensitively put it: I have a dirty house, no money and no idea what my kid is up to! Love how she can put things in perspective for me and make me NOT feel better about the situation!!

Hindsight is 20/20. My son is on his first date - he is not supposed to be. Besides that - this is why boyfriends moms get bad raps! OR - maybe this is why girlfriends get bad raps. Depends on what story you believe and what perspective you take. Did Caleb really tell her we said no and she thought if she showed up and put us on the spot we would let him go? (Okay, yes it worked). Or, was Caleb irresponsible and did not tell her we said no. He genuinely seemed surprised she was there (even if he wanted it to play out that way - we probably would have thought nothing of him changing out of his uniform and he is ALWAYS in front of the mirror).

This is what I know.

I hope Caleb enjoys his first date. It was nothing like I envisioned. There was not prep. There are no pictures. There IS a funny (though irritating) story.

I hope he enjoyed it. It might very well be his LAST date for a long time.

He might think he won. I am going to let him have that this evening. Because tomorrow he will know that he most certainly did NOT win. Tomorrow is when reality hits.......

UPDATE LATER SAME EVENING: As I pace the house waiting on my son to return from his first night out with a girl (yes I like the way that sounds better than the "date" word), with a 20 dollar bill in my hand, it occurs to me that there is something horribly wrong with the fact that I am waiting to PAY for my son after he has been out with a girl.

Just sayin'!!!

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