Friday, June 18, 2010

Isaac Picks Up Swimming AND Golf...All in One Day!

I have been talking to Isaac and Nana (although Isaac doesn't really talk back to me) a couple of times a day since he left Wednesday. They have been doing a good job keeping me updated on what is going on there.

Yesterday morning he went swimming at his great-grandparents house. He has always been a hang-out-at-the-steps kinda kid. Since we don't have a pool, or access to a pool, the only time he gets to swim is when we are at a hotel or in Dallas. Needless to say, neither happens too often, so he doesn't get much practice or time to get used to being in the water.

He ventured away from the steps yesterday! By the afternoon swimming at the country club, he was going all the way underwater! So, on the way home they stopped and got him goggles and a snorkel for Nana's pool. (he is SURROUNDED by pools there!!!)

He had his golf lesson yesterday. One on one. He was even given his own club and a hat! Nana said he loved it. She said he paid close attention and tried really hard! By the end he was actually hitting the balls! When they got home last night, he and his uncle went between two houses and started hitting practice balls. Even then, she said he was really taking his time and making sure his feet were right, his stance was right, etc. And, he was hitting the balls!!

When they called after the golf lessons and swimming at the country club, it was the only time since he left that he actually talked! He was VERY excited!!! Not only did he call and talk to ME, but when he hung up with me he called Dad to tell him about it! He said he loved golf. I can see lots of trips to the park the remainder of the summer (EARLY in the morning) so he can practice. I just wish he had someone around that knew more about it. Paul and I both have clubs, but I don't really know how to play and don't have the time to learn. Paul knows how to play, but only has the weekends. But, it would be a great father-son thing for them to do together.

I am so happy to hear him so excited! He more than deserves it.

Nana called last night while he was in the pool. He only had 15 minutes to swim, so when she called and asked Isaac if he wanted to talk, I told her he didn't have to stop swimming to talk to me if he didn't want to. He came and talked (more like listened) to me. I was in the middle of a sentence and he says "okay, bye!" and handed the phone back to Nana. NO TIME FOR HIS MAMA!!

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