Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy 13th Birthday to....ME!!!

Today was my birthday. I went to bed 30 and woke up.....THIRTEEN!!!

After a long day of three year old temper tantrums and getting a one year old out of....well, everything (over and over) and dealing with her screams of disapproval, my husband found the perfect way to end my day! He came home, baked me a cake and then put my candles backwards!

I also had a neighbor bring me a batch of cookies and card, another neighbor that is taking me to dinner tomorrow night (NO KIDS!), and my boys each gave me one of their beloved silly bands as gifts!

Although, I did miss having Isaac with me, I am glad he is having fun and I had a pretty good day!!

Now, I am probably the only 13 year old that WANTS to go to bed at 9 pm....but I think I might give it a shot! (Yes, Emily...I am probably the only 13 year old with five kids too....just let me have the moment please!!).

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