Wednesday, November 09, 2005


When Isaac started going to preschool, the first couple of weeks I did not know what to do. Bryce did not want to play with me, if I went and tried to play with him, he would collect his toys and go to the other side of the room. Boy is he making up for that in a big way!! He now does not want to play. He instead spends the whole day getting into trouble the way a 2 year old does. If I take my eyes off him for more than a few seconds there will be salt all over the table or marker all of the wall and television. If he sees me cleaning one room, he goes to another room and destroys it. Do they ever find that happy medium? I seem to run around more now than I did when Isaac was home, but there is no argueing now. I guess he figured since no other kids are around (and Mommy won't do), he will cause enough mischief for all of them!

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