Thursday, November 11, 2010

Potty Training: The Finale

Madeleine started carrying her potty around and sitting on it (dressed) a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes she tries to take her diaper off, sometimes she just sits. Tuesday I decided that since she was showing interest we would REALLY introduce the potty and see how she does. She is not even quite 19 months yet, so we are not going to push TOO much! As long as she is willing to sit and try we will go for it. If she decides she doesn't wanna do it then we will put it away for a while. However, if she wants to do it and I can quit buying diapers, well LET'S DO IT!

So, after nap Tuesday we began our final venture into potty training. I have done it four times already, I should be a pro - right? Well, the one thing that I DID learn with the first four is they are ALL different! I am going into this adventure with my eyes wide open. EVERYTHING about her has been different than her brothers! Everyone I have talked to or read about says girls are MUCH easier to potty train. I am going to assume she is going to be very difficult to potty train, then I will not be heart broken or feel like a failure when she is stubborn and difficult about this like she is with everything else!

Tuesday after nap she got up and sat on the potty. She actually peed in the potty! We clapped and cheered and did the "potty dance". She got embarrassed and hid between my legs! A while later she peed again in the potty, We clapped and cheered and did the dance and she hid again. After her brothers and Daddy got home though, she was not too interested in sitting on the potty!

Wednesday morning when she got up (at 5:30am) we went straight to the potty. She again peed in the potty. We toned down the cheering and did more dancing (did NOT want to wake all the boys up). She did not hide this time! Guess she doesn't want all the hoopla her brothers enjoyed. She wore a pullup to the library for storytime and for nap, but when she was home she was in underwear. She had one pee accident (and decided it was a good day to poop four times, all while in underwear). She used the potty four times yesterday!

This morning, she got up and went to the potty. Before, I would put her on her potty and go do what I need to do. Her potty makes noise when she pees or poops in it, so when I hear the noise I run to her and praise her. I was fixing breakfast and she came in screaming at me. I turned around and asked what was wrong and she was pointing to the potty. I went and checked and she had peed! She was very proud (and upset that the potty did not reward her with her princess sounds). I was happy that she knew she had done what she was supposed to, even without the potty telling her! That is a good sign!

A while later she came in saying something. I asked what was wrong and she pointed to the potty and started pulling her panties down. I helped her to the potty and she sat down and peed!

I am going to assume that it is still fun and exciting and new. I had another child that was ready to go and making progress and then decided it wasn't for him (he was still potty trained before 2 1/2 though). I am not getting my hopes up to high, but I am going to encourage and nudge as much as possible!

Andrew is NOT enjoying the potty reward system. He thinks if she gets a reward he should too. When that didn't work, he tried to tell me that when he goes potty I have to give him a prize! There might be a "tad" bit of jealousy ;)

A while back I found some Fancy Nancy panties. She has three favorite books and the Fancy Nancy series is one of them. I went ahead and bought them and put them away in her drawer. We pulled them out and she has been SO excited to wear Fancy Nancy around!

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