Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Hiking with the Family

We went on a family hike a couple of weekends ago. We used to go all the time in Arkansas, but it is so hot and humid in the summer the last thing I want to do is go hike! We were blessed with a few days of lower temperatures, and more importantly low humidity (so it actually felt like lower temperatures), so we decided it would be a great day to hike.

On our hikes the boys like to point out everything they see. Just in case someone is with us can't see the big log in the middle of the trail, or the massive rock you have to get around! This time there were lots of "Hey, Mom. Take a picture of this!" So, here is our hike in pictures. We saw.....

spiders that had webs over the trail. I am pretty sure they were trying to catch hikers to eat!

lots of different mushrooms

crazy roots and vines

ummm.....well there were lots of boy-type theories




but MY favorite things to see were my family
looking at who knows what

Someone wants their PawPaw. Out of all the signs on the trail (there are signs all throughout naming different plants) this is the ONLY sign she stopped at and she would not leave!

hiking together

Looking over the bridge

running together

sitting together

walking through the meadow

her curls :)

walking up the stairs on the trail

The Princess Seat

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