Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Water Baby

Andrew never really (and still doesn't much) care for sprinklers or rain or showers of any sort. Mady can't get enough of them. When we are on our nightly walks she tries to get in to EVERY sprinkler that is on down our street. Put, her love doesn't stop at the sprinkler. She will take water of any sort.

In a pool:



the pictures with her face down at the water...she likes to drink out of the hose. I have no idea where she learned that, but she has done it since the first time she was around water coming out of a hose.

or rain:

She could also spend forever in the tub. She likes to just sit in the water and play with her toys. She, however, is not fond of the getting out part.

She does a great job of entertaining herself when we are outside. She would prefer to live outside, I think. If she hears a door open, she RUNS to the door. If she doesn't make it before the door closes, she will scream until someone lets her out. But, once she is out, you don't really have to do much with her (especially if we are in the fenced in area). We had some friends over last night and spent a couple of hours outside with the sprinkler on and sandbox open. She was content to do her own thing the entire time.

1 comment:

L&D said...

Love it. Love the earrings too.